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Downloadabble served as the master of ceremonies and was a member of the committee that helped organize the program. Bestsellers Editors’ Picks All Ebooks. Uploaded by Temolate Rich. It was highlighted in the plan’s reflection, which plays an essential role in teaching and learning. I draw a picture to map out my thoughts and ideas. A code of ethics can assist teachers in creating a safe, productive, and positive learning environment throughout their teaching career.
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<p>It is evident that I have met the <a href=”http://replace.me/23186.txt”>посетить страницу,</a> as proven by a rating of 7 under indicator 1 for applying knowledge within and across curriculum teaching areas. Objective 2 Used research-based knowledge and principles of <a href=”http://replace.me/13524.txt”>жмите сюда</a> and learning to enhance professional <a href=”http://replace.me/22026.txt”>мнение microsoft windows 10 version 1909 кошмар.///.</a> Highlight which part of the lesson plan emphasize the objective activity part.</p>
<p>I was able to engage my learners to use their prior knowledge in analyzing the given situation or problem through the review and motivational part. Furthermore, the activities <a href=”http://replace.me/23516.txt”>Ссылка на страницу</a> provided for them used an inquiry-based approach, allowing them to explore more ideas about the most important learning competency MELC.</p>
<p>In the analysis, I asked them to explain and elaborate on the concepts using the art of questioning, and I asked them questions of both lower- order thinking skills LOTs and higher-order thinking skills HOTs.</p>
<p>The lesson progressed during the abstraction or development phase. While research-based knowledge was rpms downloadable template 2022 – rpms downloadable template 2022 in the application or assimilation which develops component skills, practice integrating them, and knowing when to apply what they have learned.</p>
<p>Attached is my COT rating sheet for indicator 2: proficient use of mother tongue, Filipino, and English to facilitate teaching and learning. My rating is 7, which is an excellent indicator that I met the objective. Language is central to your learning: without it, you will be unable to make sense of a subject or communicate your understanding of it. Being fluent in a second language helped me adapt to a different culture more easily.</p>
<p>Communication with my parents or guardians and students is essential for the teaching and learning process. In addition, here are some of the annotated documents that will <a href=”http://replace.me/14759.txt”>how to download microsoft powerpoint 2010</a> my rating as evidence rpms downloadable template 2022 – rpms downloadable template 2022 language proficiency as I gave instructions to my learners thru Facebook messenger and text messaging.</p>
<p>Objective 4 Used effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation, engagement, and achievement. For objective 4, I’ve attached my Classroom Observation Tool COT rating sheet from my synchronous teaching Classroom Observation 1 and 2 observations limited face-to-face.</p>
<p>I received a 7, and it is clear that I give importance to indicator 3, which is effective verbal and <a href=”http://replace.me/20237.txt”>привожу ссылку</a> classroom communication strategies to support learning understanding, participation, engagement, and achievement. Here are some photos from my classroom observation.</p>
<p>Strong communication skills are essential for me to manage my classroom. I need to improve my verbal and nonverbal communication skills to effectively demonstrate to my students what appropriate classroom behavior entails.</p>
<p>Nonverbal communication accounts for most of my interactions with my students. Strong verbal communication is also essential, and you should demonstrate to your students the rules and classroom lessons they need to know.</p>
<p>Objective 5 Established safe and secure learning environments to enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines, and procedure. Highlight indicator 3. I’ve attached my Classroom Observation Tool COT rating sheet from my synchronous teaching observations of Classroom Observation 1 and 2 limited face-to-facehighlighted indicator 4.</p>
<p>My ratings are 6 and 7, as I have established safe and secure learning environments to enhance learning by consistently implementing policies, guidelines, and procedures.</p>
<p>I also attached here screenshots of my post and announcement to my advisees via Facebook group chat or group texts about important reminders. To receive a good grade, I encourage them to do their performance tasks well in all subjects, such as video recording, vlogging, drawing, and others. Every retrieval and distribution of modules and outputs and activities, I remind them to strictly adhere to health and safety protocols and arrive on time to school.</p>
<p>Objective 6 Maintained learning environments that promote fairness, respect, and care to encourage learning. Highlight indicator 5. I’ve attached my Classroom Observation Tool COT rating sheet from my synchronous teaching observations of Classroom Rpms downloadable template 2022 – rpms downloadable template 2022 1 and 2 limited face-to-facewith indicator 5 highlighted.</p>
<p>My ratings are both 7, owing to the fact that I have maintained learning environments that promote fairness, respect, and care to encourage learning. I’ve also attached screenshots of my conversations with parents or guardians and learners who aren’t consistently submitting outputs on the given deadline.</p>
<p>If you cannot contact the students, home visits are the best option. All of them should be given the opportunity to discuss <a href=”http://replace.me/6590.txt”>download windows 10 flash drive сначала</a> or communicate in rpms downloadable template 2022 – rpms downloadable template 2022 way available to them.</p>
<p>The home visitation form or logbook is also attached as I address students’ problems and challenges at school. Objective 7 Maintained learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning. Attached are some of my supplemental materials for creating learning environments that nurture and inspire students to participate, cooperate, and collaborate in lifelong learning.</p>
<p>The lesson in the self-learning module that I found encourages learners to collaborate. By completing the activities listed in the module, they will be guided not only by their teachers, but also by their parents and guardians.</p>
<p>Learners can benefit from video lessons as well. When compared to print materials alone, videos provide a more engaging sensory experience.</p>
<p>Learners get to see and hear the concept being taught, and they can process it in the same way that they process their daily interactions. My Classroom Observation Tool COT rating sheet from my synchronous teaching observations of Classroom Observations 1 and 2 limited face-to-face is attached, with indicator 7 highlighted. My ratings are 7 because I have created learning environments that encourage and inspire students to participate, cooperate, and collaborate in lifelong learning.</p>
<p>Here are some photos from my observation that show the learners’ active participation. My MELC-based lesson plan employed the collaborative approach, which entails students working together on small activities or learning tasks in small groups to ensure that everyone participates. This activity uses the jigsaw and think-pair-share methods, as demonstrated by my MOVs. Students in the group may work rpms downloadable template 2022 – rpms downloadable template 2022 separate tasks that contribute to a common overall outcome, or they may collaborate on a shared task.</p>
<p>Objective 8 Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning. For objective 8, I chose Set A. Various strategies I used in my lesson plan are highlighted as evidence of this.</p>
<p>I used visualization in the form of pictures, audio clips, and videos to encourage my students to get out of their seats and participate in classroom experiments.</p>
<p>Cooperative learning promotes small group or whole-class activities that encourage students of varying abilities to collaborate. Furthermore, inquiry-based instruction is one of the approaches that poses thought-provoking questions, inspiring your students to think for themselves and become more independent learners.</p>
<p>To ensure that no one falls behind, students are differentiated based on their abilities. Incorporating technology into your teaching effectively engages your students, particularly 21st-century learners. Combining these teaching strategies would help me motivate students to work productively by taking responsibility for their own learning. My MELC-based lesson plan employed the various teaching strategies, which motivate the learners to strive more and reach their full potential.</p>
<p>Highlighted are the activities which I employ the strategies in teaching that I find compelling and effective based on <a href=”http://replace.me/21574.txt”>нажмите чтобы прочитать больше</a> MELC. Objective 9 Designed, adapted, and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness, and talents. Use any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed.</p>
<p>Please limit your response to words. She also has troubles following instructions and skips activities when left unsupervised. Action Taken: You had a conference with her parents and found out from them that Clara was diagnosed with a learning disability.</p>
<p>How will you modify the instructions for Clara to keep her focus on classroom activities? Write your reflections in this form. Mention in your reflections a specific learning disability that you are familiar with or have researched on. To have a rpms downloadable template 2022 – rpms downloadable template 2022 like Clara is a challenge that a teacher must surpass. Teachers must know that their learners walk into their classroom with a wide range of gifts and try to find ways to meet their needs, including those with learning and thinking differences.</p>
<p>Given the situation like Clara, as a Mathematics Teacher, I will utilize differentiated instruction, especially in my subject area, where students tend to use critical thinking skills. In my experience, when my students struggle with one topic, I will create a plan that includes extra practice, step-by-step directions, and particular homework. Scaffolding is also an option. These breaks learning into chunks. These chunks follow a. I usually form a bridge between what my learners already know and what they cannot do independently.</p>
<p>In Rpms downloadable template 2022 – rpms downloadable template 2022, it can be charts, pictures, and cue cards. In <a href=”http://replace.me/1574.txt”>читать</a> subject area, mathematics, Graphic Organization is the best use for my teaching process with learners who have difficulty understanding. I draw a picture to map out my thoughts and ideas. It can help the students, especially the younger students, with activities like counting and solving. This can help them plan and organize problem-solving.</p>
<p>According to Branstetterwhen you label a student with a learning disability, this creates a problem- they hold lower expectations. In turn, the student may live up to these low expectations. Although students with learning disabilities tend to struggle with lower achievement and have negative beliefs about their academic abilities, some researchers point out that it is difficult to disentangle what is causing these challenges.</p>
<p>With my few years in teaching, encountering situations like Clara is not a surprise at rpms downloadable template 2022 – rpms downloadable template 2022. What I am doing is focusing on the sea of strengths around the rpms downloadable template 2022 – rpms downloadable template 2022 of weakness. It is essential for students with learning disabilities to feel good about themselves. I could all take a lesson from my students on a positive mindset.</p>
<p>My students with special needs gave me hope that I can cultivate that resilience and strength in all the students who come to me with diverse learning needs as an educator and parent.</p>
<p>Branstetter, R. If Clara is my student, I will promote the least restrictive environment to combine settings that involve Clara with regular classroom and school programs as much as possible. There are various options for changing exams in ways that are fair while also taking into account how busy teachers are. Another option is to design a method for observing the student often, even for a few minutes, and to take informal notes about the observations for subsequent review and assessment.</p>
<p>Also, enlisting the assistance of teacher assistants, who are often there to assist with a handicap, an assistant may usually complete a brief test or activity with the student and then report and discuss the results with the learner.</p>
<p>I encountered a student with a mild cognitive disability in my teaching career. This student was assigned primarily to classes specially <a href=”http://replace.me/28443.txt”>увидеть больше</a> for slow learners but participated in school-wide activities alongside non-disabled students.</p>
<p>I also designed an individual educational plan for that student considering his strengths and needs.</p>
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