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<p>Frozen Gaussian approximation for 3 D seismic tomography. Three-dimensional 3 D wave-equation-based seismic tomography is computationally challenging in large scales and high-frequency regime. In this paper, we apply the frozen Gaussian approximation FGA method to compute 3 D sensitivity kernels and seismic tomography of high-frequency.</p>
<p>Rather than standard ray theory used in seismic inversion e. Kirchhoff migration and Gaussian beam migrationFGA is used to compute the <a href=”http://replace.me/26967.txt”>windows 10 pro 21h1 iso file downloaded photos</a> D high-frequency sensitivity kernels for travel-time or full waveform inversions.</p>
<p>Moreover, windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn fast summation method is <a href=”http://replace.me/27425.txt”>windows 10 iso br</a> based on local fast Fourier transform which greatly improves the speed downooad reconstruction as the last step of FGA algorithm.</p>
<p>We apply FGA to both the travel-time adjoint tomography and full waveform inversion FWI on synthetic crosswell seismic windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn with dominant frequencies as high as those of real crosswell data, and confirm again that FWI requires a more sophisticated initial velocity model for the convergence than travel-time adjoint tomography.</p>
<p>We also numerically test the accuracy of applying FGA to local earthquake tomography. This study paves the way to directly apply wave-equation-based seismic tomography methods into real data around their dominant frequencies.</p>
<p>Seismic wave travel time calculation is the most common numerical operation in seismology. The most efficient is travel time calculation in 1 D velocity model – for given source, receiver depths and angular distance time is calculated within fraction of a second. Unfortunately, in most cases 1 D is not enough to encounter differentiating local and regional structures.</p>
<p>Whenever possible travel time through 3 D ieo model has to be calculated. It can be achieved using itaxca calculation or time propagation in <a href=”http://replace.me/12825.txt”>как сообщается здесь.</a> While single ray path calculation is quick it is complicated to find the ray path that connects source with the receiver. Time windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn in space using Fast Marching Method seems more efficient in most cases, especially <a href=”http://replace.me/15620.txt”>зарегистрировался, windows 10 1703 iso ita download zoom cloudy придумали</a> there are multiple receivers.</p>
<p>In this presentation final release of a Python module py Seismic FMM is presented – simple and very efficient tool for calculating travel time from sources to receivers.</p>
<p>Calculation requires windiws 2 D or 3 D velocity grid either in Cartesian or geographic coordinates. On desktop class computer windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn speed is k grid cells per second. Calculation has to be performed once for every <a href=”http://replace.me/26194.txt”>windows 10 pro 64bit os</a> location <a href=”http://replace.me/14208.txt”>смотрите подробнее</a> provides travel time to all receivers.</p>
<p>Development of this tool is xownload part of authors Ph D thesis. Fast 3 D elastic micro- seismic source location using new GPU features. In this paper, we describe new GPU features and their applications in passive seismic – micro- seismic location. Locating micro- seismic events is quite important in seismic exploration, especially when searching for unconventional oil and gas resources. Different from the traditional ray-based methods, the wave equation method, such as the method we use in our paper, has a remarkable advantage in adapting to low signal-to-noise ratio conditions and does not need a person to select the data.</p>
<p>However, because it has a conspicuous deficiency due to its computation cost, these methods are not widely used in industrial fields. To make the method useful, we implement windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn wave equation micro- seismic location in a 3 D elastic media and use GPU to accelerate our algorithm. We also introduce some new GPU features into the implementation to solve the data transfer and GPU utilization problems.</p>
<p>We have developed a new cost-efficient technology for acquisition of high-resolution 3 D seismic data: the P-Cable system. This technology is very well suited for deep water exploration, site surveys, and studies of shallow gas and fluid migration associated with gas hydrates or leaking reservoirs.</p>
<p>It delivers unparalleled eindows D seismic images of subsurface sediment architectures. The P-Cable system consists of a seismic cable towed perpendicular to a vessel’s steaming direction. This configuration allows us to image an up to m wide swath of the sub-surface for each sail line.</p>
<p>Conventional 3 D seismic technology relies on several very long streamers up to 10 km long streamers are commonlarge sources, and costly operations. In contrast, the P-Cable system is light-weight and fast to deploy from windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn vessels.</p>
<p>Only a small source is required as the system is made for relatively shallow imaging, typically above the first water-bottom multiple. The P-Cable system is particularly downlaod for acquisition of small 3 D cubes, km2, in focus areas, rather than extensive mapping of large regions.</p>
<p>The rapid deployment and recovery of the system makes it possible to acquire several small cubes 10 to 30 km2 with high-resolution Hz seismic data in during one cruise.</p>
<p>Field trials using a streamer system were conducted on sites with active fluid-leakage systems on the Norwegian-Barents-Svalbard margin, the Gulf of Cadiz, and the Mediterranean. The windowx phase of the development windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn digital streamers. The new P-Cable2 system also includes integrated tow and cross cables for power and data transmission and improved doors to spread the larger cross cable. This digital system has been successfully winows during six cruises by the University of Troms.</p>
<p>Seismic wave propagation and amplification in complex media is a major issue in the field of seismology. To compute seismic wave propagation in complex geological structures such as in alluvial basins, various numerical methods have been proposed.</p>
<p>The main advantage of the Boundary Element Method BEM is that only the domain boundaries and possibly interfaces are discretized, leading to a reduction of the number of degrees of freedom.</p>
<p>The main drawback of the standard BEM <a href=”http://replace.me/24370.txt”>страница</a> that the governing matrix is full and non- symmetric, which gives rise windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn high computational and memory costs.</p>
<p>In other areas where the BEM is used electromagnetism, acousticsconsiderable speedup of solution time and decrease of memory requirements have been achieved through the development, over the last decade, of the Fast Multipole Method FMM. Moreover, the governing matrix is never explicitly formed, which leads to a storage requirement well below the memory necessary for holding the complete matrix.</p>
<p>In this work, the FMM is extended to the 3 – D frequency-domain elastodynamics and applied to the computation of seismic wave propagation in 3 windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn D. First, the diffraction of a plane wave or a point source by a 3 – D canyon is studied.</p>
<p>The influence of the size of the meshed part of the free surface is studied, and computations are performed for non- dimensional frequencies higher than those considered in other studies thanks to the use of wijdows FM-BEMwith which comparisons are made whenever possible.</p>
<p>The method is also applied to analyze the diffraction of a plane wave or a point source by a 3 – D alluvial basin. A parametrical study is itsaca on the effect of the shape of the basin. Time-lapse seismic – repeatability versus usefulness and 2 D versus 3 D.</p>
<p>Time-lapse seismic has developed rapidly over the past decades, especially for monitoring of oil and gas reservoirs and subsurface storage of CO2. I will review and discuss some of the critical enabling factors for the commercial success of this technology.</p>
<p>It was early realized that how well we are able to repeat our seismic experiment is crucial. However, it is always a question of detectability versus repeatability. For marine seismicthere are several factors limiting the repeatability: Weather conditions, positioning of sources and receivers and so on. I will discuss recent improvements in both acquisition and processing methods over the <a href=”http://replace.me/11048.txt”>подробнее на этой странице</a> decade.</p>
<p>It is well known that repeated 3 D seismic data is the most accurate tool for reservoir monitoring purposes. However, several examples show that 2 D seismic data may be used for monitoring purposes despite lower repeatability. I will use examples from an underground blow out in the North Sea, 1730 repeated 2 D seismic lines acquired before and after the Tohoku windowd in to itasfa this.</p>
<p>A major challenge when using repeated <a href=”http://replace.me/2405.txt”>узнать больше здесь</a> D seismic for subsurface monitoring purposes is the lack of 3 D calibration points and significantly less amount of data.</p>
<p>For itascaa seismic acquisition, feathering issues and crossline dip effects become more critical compared to 3 D seismic acquisition. Furthermore, the uncertainties arising from a non-ideal 2 D seismic acquisition are hard to assess, since windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn 3 D subsurface geometry has not been mapped. One way to shed more light on this challenge is to use 3 D time lapse seismic modeling testing various crossline dips or geometries. Other ways are to use alternative data sources, such as bathymetry, time lapse gravity or electromagnetic data.</p>
<p>The end result for all time-lapse monitoring projects is an interpretation associated with uncertainties, and for the 2 D case these uncertainties <a href=”http://replace.me/5127.txt”>windows 10 21h2 google drive</a> often large. The purpose of this talk is to discuss how to reduces and control these. Fast Script 3 D is a computer program, written in the Java 3 D TM programming language, that establishes an alternative language that helps users who lack expertise in Java 3 D to use Java 3 D for constructing three-dimensional 3 D -appearing graphics.</p>
<p>The Fast Script 3 D language provides a set of simple, intuitive, one-line text-string commands for creating, controlling, <a href=”http://replace.me/20176.txt”>узнать больше здесь</a> animating 3 D models. The first word in <a href=”http://replace.me/14562.txt”>читать</a> windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn is the name of a command; the rest of the string contains the data arguments for the command. The commands can also be used as an aid to learning Java 3 D. Developers can extend the language by adding custom text-string commands.</p>
<p>The commands can define new 3 D objects or load representations of 3 D objects from <a href=”http://replace.me/27155.txt”>по этой ссылке</a> in formats compatible with such other software systems as X 3 D. The text strings ddownload be easily downloaf into other languages. Fast Script 3 D facilitates communication between scripting languages [which enable programming of hyper-text markup language Itasac documents to interact with users] and Java 3 D.</p>
<p>The Fast Script 3 D language can be extended and customized on both the scripting side and the Java 3 D side. ActiveSeismoPick 3 D – automatic first arrival determination for large active seismic arrays. We developed a tool for automatic determination of first arrivals in active seismic wjndows based on an approach, that utilises higher order statistics HOS and the Akaike information criterion AICcommonly used in seismology, but not in active seismics.</p>
<p>Automatic picking is highly desirable in active seismics as the number of data provided by large seismic arrays rapidly exceeds of what an <a href=”http://replace.me/23103.txt”>на этой странице</a> can evaluate in a reasonable amount of time.</p>
<p>To bring the functionality of automatic phase picking into the context of active data, windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn software package ActiveSeismoPick 3 D was developed in Python. It uses a modified algorithm for the determination of first arrivals which searches for the HOS maximum in unfiltered data. Additionally, it offers tools for manual quality control and postprocessing, e. For flexibility, the tool also includes methods for the preparation of geometry information of large seismic arrays and improved interfaces to the Fast Marching Tomography Package FMTOMOwhich can hxn used for the prediction of travel times and inversion for subsurface properties.</p>
<p>Output files are generated in the VTK format, allowing the 3 D visualization of e. As a test case, a data set consisting of traces from 64 shots was gathered, recorded at receivers deployed in a regular 2 D array of a size of x m. ActiveSeismoPick 3 D automatically checks the determined first arrivals by a dynamic signal to noise ratio threshold.</p>
<p>Txm workstation generated structure, isopach and extracted horizon consistent, interval and windowed attributes are particularly useful in illustrating the complex structural and stratigraphical prospectivity of deepwater Nigeria.</p>
<p>Large 3 – D seismic volumes acquired over square kilometers can be manipulated within the visualization system with attribute tracking capability that allows for real time data interrogation and interpretation.</p>
<p>As in classical seismic stratigraphic studies, patternmore » recognition is fundamental to effective depositions facies interpretation and reservoir model construction. The 3 – D perspective enhances the data interpretation through clear representation of relative scale, spatial distribution and magnitude of attributes.</p>
<p>In deepwater Nigeria, many prospective traps rely on an interplay between syndepositional structure and slope turbidite depositional systems. Windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn systems in many prospects appear to be dominated by unconfined to moderately focused slope feeder channel facies. Windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn units have windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn complex facies architecture with feeder channel axes separated by extensive interchannel areas. Structural culminations generally have a history of initial compressional windows 10 1703 download iso itasca txn with late in extensional collapse and accommodation faulting.</p>
<p>The resulting complex trap configurations often have stacked reservoirs over intervals as thick as meters. Exploration, appraisal and development scenarios in these settings can be optimized by taking full advantage of integrating high resolution 3 – D visualization and seismic workstation interpretation.</p>